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Stay-Well Active Q 50mg 3X30s

Stay-Well Active Q 50mg 3X30s

Product Code: Stay-Well Active Q 50mg 3X30s
Availability: Out Of Stock
  • RM178.90


Product Descriptions

Stay-well ACTIVE-Q 50mg is the active-form Coenzyme Q10 with enhanced absorption for better results. Take Stay-well ACTIVE-Q daily to energize your body & stay young at heart! ACTIVE-Q is different from regular CoQ10: - Enhanced absorption for better results! - Higher energy levels for healthy aging! Specially for aging adults, Active Co-Q10: - Protects body cells & organs - Fights disease & signs of aging - Prevents oxidation of harmful LDL-cholesterol Stay-well Active Q is beneficial for those who: - Are past 50 years - Feel constantly tired and weak - Take Statin drugs daily - Visit the doctor regularly Take Stay-well Active Q daily to feel younger & more energetic. See the difference today!


Each softgel contains: Ubiquinol (Active form of Coenzyme Q-10) 50 mg

Direction of Use/Preparation

Take 1-2 softgels daily with meals.

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