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TYT Confinement Herbal Bath

TYT Confinement Herbal Bath

Product Code: TYT Confinement Herbal Bath
Availability: In Stock
  • RM7.90


Product Descriptions

The modern mummy’s answer to hygiene and cleanliness during her confinement period. Suitable for sponge baths, normal baths or showers, and for hair washing. If you’ve had a normal delivery, you can take a bath after 7 days; however if you’ve had a Caesarean delivery (C-section), you will have to wait for 10 days to take a bath. Even if you’re not allowed to take baths, you can still sponge yourself with warm water. Remember not to use cold water as it will cause severe headaches as a result of ‘wind’.


European verbena, orientvine, wormwood, motherwort, pomelo

Direction of use/Preparation
We recommend sponging your body 6 days a week and taking a full-body bath on the 7th day. Use 1 sachet for sponging and 2 sachets for bathing. *The longer you boil the sachet, the stronger the scent will be. PREPARE Boil 3 litres of water with the Confinement Herbal Bath + Ginger sachet for 15-30 minutes COOL Remove the sachet and wait for the water to cool to ~37 °C BATHE Use the water for sponge baths or for washing your hair

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